17 + Seats Minibus Leasing

Transports with 17+ seats; convenient and affordable transport for education, work and events.

Simplify Large Group Transport with 17+ Seat Minibus Leasing

For those organizing events or needing to transport large groups affordably, our 17+ seat minibus leasing options offer the ideal solution. These vehicles are perfect for small to medium-sized groups, providing a cost-effective alternative to public transport and the complexity of arranging multiple taxis. A 17+-seater minibus ensures your entire party travels together, arriving at your destination relaxed and on time.

Our selection at Rivervale includes top brands in the commercial transport sector, ensuring safety, comfort, and efficiency. These larger vehicles come with essential features like factory-fitted seatbelts, emergency exits, and air conditioning, making every journey pleasant for passengers. With advancements in engine efficiency and safety, our large passenger vehicles are at their best. Browse our range, including the popular Ford Transit Minibus series, known for its compact design, stylish exterior, and spacious interior, and find the perfect minibus for your needs.

Our 17 + Seats Minibus Models

Ford Transit 460

17 + Seats

Peugeot Boxer

17 Seats

Citroen Relay

17 Seats